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I am an empathy driven and narrative-centric designer who sees opportunity in every problem. I have been a designer my entire life. I started at a very young age with Legos, crayon on wall composition, and tree forts. By my early career I traded in for big kid things like Production Design, Graphic Design, and Systems Integration. Industrial Design and User Experience allow me to synthesize design thinking, design strategy, and design application. I choose to be a force for good and effect positive change in the world around me. I believe that anything worth doing takes effort, and the investment I make now will help me pay it forward and cultivate the next generation of designers and human beings of worth and quality. I am proud to be a part of a community that looks to improve the human experience. I want to have a blast radius that leaves everyone around me impacted by 'good' design. I want the world to be seen differently. I want to ask the difficult questions. I want to work together to leave the world better than we found it.

I am passionate about the arts and arts education. I believe that the arts create the context and motivation for success. The arts are a breeding ground for innovation. I don't support the arts to saturate the workforce with "starving artists," but rather to cultivate the foundation for how we can collectively experience, comprehend, and communicate. I expect very few practicing artists amidst a majority dominated by working professionals, such as (insert non arts job here), who speak the same language. Arts education establishes a shared vocabulary of empathy, compassion, and creation. The arts provide us with the perfect vehicle for unification. The arts celebrate and champion diversity and provide us with a glimpse of human potential.